


Thousands of interesting projects are made with unified, mixing and matching building blocks together. A couple of interesting cases made with unified are shown here.

  1. Prettier

    Uses unified to format Markdown

  2. Gatsby

    Uses unified to pull content into GraphQL

  3. Write Music

    Uses unified to visualize sentence length

  4. Node.js

    Uses unified to check and build their docs

  5. alex

    Uses unified to catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing

  6. MDX

    Uses unified to combine Markdown with JSX

  7. mdx-deck

    Uses unified to make presentation decks

  8. Decap

    Uses unified for their CMS

  9. freeCodeCamp

    Uses unifed to parse challenges

  10. GitHub

    Uses unified to build their help site

  11. Storybook

    Uses unified to check their docs

  12. ESLint

    Uses unified to check JavaScript in Markdown

  13. docz

    Uses unified for MDX

  14. RxJS

    Uses unified to build their site

  15. WebFundamentals

    Uses unified to check and build their site

  16. web.dev

    Uses unified to check their site

  17. Stylelint

    Uses unified to check their docs

  18. Open Source Guides

    Uses unified to check and build their site

  19. Firefox debugger

    Uses unified to check their docs

  20. cssnano

    Uses unified to build their site

  21. regl

    Uses unified to build their site

  22. documentation.js

    Uses unified to generate docs

  23. react-markdown

    Uses unified for parse Markdown

  24. Readability

    Uses unified to visualize readability

  25. PrettyHTML

    Uses unified to format content

  26. Nextein

    Uses unified to generate static sites

  27. nteract

    Uses unified for math in Markdown

  28. Phenomic

    Uses unified to generate static sites