

Packages matching document

  1. rehype-document

    rehype plugin to wrap a document around a fragment
    1. 67%
    2. 38k
    3. 6.68 B
  2. rehype-meta

    rehype plugin to add metadata to the head of a document
    1. 66%
    2. 3.3k
    3. 18.1 B
  3. unified-doc-react

    react wrapper for unified-doc
    1. 61%
    2. 23
    3. 138 B
  4. unified-doc-dom

    DOM APIs for unified-doc
    1. 61%
    2. 23
    3. 17.2 B
  5. unified-doc

    unified document APIs.
    1. 60%
    2. 110
    3. 134 B
  6. unified-doc-search-micromatch

    unified-doc micromatch search algorithm.
    1. 43%
    2. 26
    3. 11.4 B
  7. unified-doc-types

    unified-doc typescript typings.
    1. 43%
    2. 2.7k
  8. unified-doc-util-text-offsets

    unified-doc hast utility to add text offsets to text nodes.
    1. 43%
    2. 2.7k
    3. 856 B
  9. unified-doc-util-mark

    unified-doc hast util to mark text nodes.
    1. 41%
    2. 2.6k
    3. 5.72 B
  10. unified-doc-parse-csv

    unified-doc parser to parse csv into a hast table node (RFC-4180 compliant)
    1. 41%
    2. 20
    3. 4.77 B
  11. Find other packages matching document on npm