

Packages matching emoji

  1. remark-emoji

    Emoji transformer plugin for Remark
    1. 69%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 45.9 kB
  2. remark-gemoji

    remark plugin to turn gemoji shortcodes (:+1:) into emoji (👍)
    1. 67%
    2. 101k
    3. 16 kB
  3. nlcst-emoji-modifier

    nlcst utility to support emoji
    1. 67%
    2. 69k
    3. 18.6 kB
  4. retext-emoji

    retext plugin to support emoji, gemoji, and emoticons
    1. 67%
    2. 69k
    3. 51.2 kB
  5. rehype-twemojify

    Rehype plugin for Twemoji support. First-class TypeScript support.
    1. 60%
    2. 183
    3. 7.03 kB
  6. remark-twemoji

    Remark plugin to use Twemoji
    1. 55%
    2. 494
    3. 1.21 kB
  7. Find other packages matching emoji on npm