

Packages matching mdast

  1. remark-mdx

    remark plugin to support MDX syntax
    1. 90%
    2. 14m
    3. 55.3 B
  2. remark-parse

    remark plugin to add support for parsing markdown input
    1. 88%
    2. 46m
    3. 24.8 B
  3. unist-util-visit

    unist utility to visit nodes
    1. 85%
    2. 69m
    3. 347 B
  4. mdast-util-to-hast

    mdast utility to transform to hast
    1. 82%
    2. 35m
    3. 3.81 B
  5. remark-stringify

    remark plugin to add support for serializing markdown
    1. 82%
    2. 22m
    3. 16.2 B
  6. mdast-util-to-string

    mdast utility to get the plain text content of a node
    1. 82%
    2. 61m
    3. 369 B
  7. remark

    unified processor with support for parsing markdown input and serializing markdown as output
    1. 82%
    2. 9.1m
    3. 33.4 B
  8. mdast-util-definitions

    mdast utility to find definition nodes in a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 25m
    3. 432 B
  9. mdast-util-from-markdown

    mdast utility to parse markdown
    1. 80%
    2. 46m
    3. 24.8 B
  10. mdast-squeeze-paragraphs

    mdast utility to remove empty paragraphs from a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 5.8m
    3. 394 B
  11. remark-squeeze-paragraphs

    remark plugin to remove empty paragraphs
    1. 79%
    2. 5.8m
    3. 401 B
  12. mdast-util-to-markdown

    mdast utility to serialize markdown
    1. 78%
    2. 37m
    3. 17.2 B
  13. remark-rehype

    remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
    1. 78%
    2. 25m
    3. 3.81 B
  14. remark-cli

    Command line interface to inspect and change markdown files with remark
    1. 77%
    2. 787k
  15. remark-gfm

    remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists)
    1. 77%
    2. 21m
    3. 11.4 B
  16. mdast-util-find-and-replace

    mdast utility to find and replace text in a tree
    1. 76%
    2. 22m
    3. 0.954 B
  17. mdast-util-gfm

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
    1. 76%
    2. 22m
  18. mdast-util-gfm-table

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM tables
    1. 76%
    2. 22m
    3. 4.77 B
  19. mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM autolink literals
    1. 75%
    2. 21m
    3. 1.91 B
  20. mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM strikethrough
    1. 75%
    2. 22m
    3. 452 B
  21. mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM task list items
    1. 75%
    2. 22m
    3. 3.81 B
  22. remark-frontmatter

    remark plugin to support frontmatter (yaml, toml, and more)
    1. 75%
    2. 6.2m
  23. mdast-util-mdx-jsx

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX or MDX.js JSX
    1. 74%
    2. 17m
    3. 16.2 B
  24. mdast-util-compact

    mdast utility to make a tree compact
    1. 74%
    2. 2.8m
    3. 463 B
  25. mdast-util-mdx

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX (or MDX.js)
    1. 73%
    2. 8.7m
    3. 16.2 B
  26. mdast-util-mdxjs-esm

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX.js ESM (import/exports)
    1. 73%
    2. 17m
  27. mdast-util-mdx-expression

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX (or MDX.js) expressions
    1. 73%
    2. 17m
    3. 525 B
  28. mdast-util-frontmatter

    mdast extension to parse and serialize frontmatter (YAML, TOML, etc)
    1. 73%
    2. 6.2m
    3. 0.954 B
  29. remark-lint

    remark plugin to lint Markdown code style
    1. 73%
    2. 884k
    3. 1.91 B
  30. mdast-util-gfm-footnote

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM footnotes
    1. 73%
    2. 18m
    3. 834 B
  31. remark-toc

    remark plugin to generate a Table of Contents (TOC)
    1. 72%
    2. 604k
  32. mdast-util-toc

    mdast utility to generate a table of contents from a tree
    1. 72%
    2. 1.1m
    3. 4.77 B
  33. remark-html

    remark plugin to compile Markdown to HTML
    1. 71%
    2. 1.2m
    3. 16.2 B
  34. mdast-comment-marker

    mdast utility to parse a comment marker
    1. 71%
    2. 942k
    3. 566 B
  35. remark-github

    remark plugin to autolink references like in GitHub issues, PRs, and comments
    1. 71%
    2. 761k
    3. 1.91 B
  36. remark-breaks

    remark plugin to add break support, without needing spaces
    1. 71%
    2. 1.4m
    3. 0.954 B
  37. mdast-util-heading-style

    mdast utility to get the style of a heading
    1. 71%
    2. 618k
    3. 304 B
  38. mdast-util-to-nlcst

    mdast utility to transform to nlcst
    1. 71%
    2. 443k
    3. 0.954 B
  39. remark-math

    remark plugin to parse and stringify math
    1. 70%
    2. 2.9m
    3. 1.91 B
  40. remark-message-control

    remark plugin to enable, disable, and ignore messages with remark
    1. 70%
    2. 935k
    3. 1.91 B
  41. hast-util-to-mdast

    hast utility to transform to mdast
    1. 70%
    2. 670k
    3. 7.63 B
  42. remark-retext

    remark plugin to support retext
    1. 70%
    2. 443k
    3. 10.5 B
  43. rehype-katex

    rehype plugin to transform inline and block math with KaTeX
    1. 70%
    2. 2.1m
    3. 127 B
  44. mdast-util-math

    mdast extension to parse and serialize math
    1. 69%
    2. 2.9m
    3. 0.954 B
  45. mdast-util-heading-range

    mdast utility to use headings as ranges in mdast
    1. 69%
    2. 50k
    3. 795 B
  46. mdast-util-phrasing

    mdast utility to check if a node is phrasing content
    1. 69%
    2. 28m
    3. 558 B
  47. strip-markdown

    remark plugin to remove markdown formatting
    1. 69%
    2. 333k
    3. 807 B
  48. rehype-remark

    rehype plugin to transform to remark
    1. 69%
    2. 537k
    3. 7.63 B
  49. remark-directive

    remark plugin to support directives
    1. 69%
    2. 2m
    3. 17.2 B
  50. mdast-zone

    mdast utility to treat HTML comments as ranges or markers
    1. 69%
    2. 8.4k
    3. 932 B
  51. rehype-mathjax

    rehype plugin to transform inline and block math with MathJax
    1. 69%
    2. 220k
  52. remark-reference-links

    remark plugin to transform links and images to references and definitions
    1. 69%
    2. 280k
    3. 594 B
  53. remark-validate-links

    remark plugin to validate links to headings and files
    1. 69%
    2. 277k
  54. remark-contributors

    remark plugin to inject a given list of contributors into a table
    1. 68%
    2. 3.2k
    3. 1.91 B
  55. remark-usage

    remark plugin to add a usage example to your readme
    1. 68%
    2. 17k
  56. mdast-util-directive

    mdast extension to parse and serialize generic directives (:cite[smith04])
    1. 68%
    2. 2.9m
    3. 15.3 B
  57. remark-comment-config

    remark plugin to configure it with comments
    1. 68%
    2. 15k
    3. 653 B
  58. remark-yaml-config

    remark plugin to configure it with YAML frontmatter
    1. 68%
    2. 133k
    3. 28.6 B
  59. remark-gemoji

    remark plugin to turn gemoji shortcodes (:+1:) into emoji (👍)
    1. 67%
    2. 112k
    3. 15.3 B
  60. mdast-normalize-headings

    mdast utility to make sure there is no more than a single top-level heading in the document
    1. 67%
    2. 11k
    3. 420 B
  61. remark-textr

    remark plugin to improve typography with Textr
    1. 67%
    2. 126k
    3. 746 B
  62. remark-images

    remark plugin to add a simpler image syntax
    1. 67%
    2. 39k
    3. 0.954 B
  63. remark-man

    remark plugin to compile markdown to man pages
    1. 67%
    2. 4.8k
    3. 6.68 B
  64. remark-heading-gap

    remark plugin to adjust the gap between headings
    1. 67%
    2. 4.3k
    3. 320 B
  65. remark-defsplit

    remark plugin to change links and images to references with separate definitions
    1. 67%
    2. 2.2k
    3. 747 B
  66. mdast-util-assert

    mdast utility to assert trees
    1. 67%
    2. 1.2k
    3. 0.954 B
  67. remark-inline-links

    remark plugin to transform references and definitions into normal links and images
    1. 67%
    2. 64k
    3. 577 B
  68. remark-embed-images

    remark plugin to embed local images as data URIs
    1. 67%
    2. 31k
    3. 669 B
  69. remark-normalize-headings

    remark plugin to make sure there is a single top level heading in a document by adjusting heading ranks accordingly
    1. 66%
    2. 8.7k
    3. 424 B
  70. remark-mdx-frontmatter

    A remark plugin for converting frontmatter metadata into MDX exports
    1. 66%
    2. 2m
    3. 36.2 B
  71. remark-git-contributors

    remark plugin to generate a list of Git contributors
    1. 66%
    2. 431
  72. remark-license

    remark plugin to generate a license section
    1. 66%
    2. 2.7k
    3. 23.8 B
  73. remark-strip-badges

    remark plugin to remove badges (such as shields.io)
    1. 66%
    2. 8.3k
    3. 0.954 B
  74. remark-unlink

    remark plugin to remove all links, images, references, and definitions
    1. 66%
    2. 20k
    3. 500 B
  75. unist-util-ancestor

    Unist utility for finding the closest common ancestor for multiple nodes
    1. 65%
    2. 83
    3. 452 B
  76. remark-behead

    Increase or decrease heading depth
    1. 63%
    2. 13k
    3. 6.68 B
  77. remark-extract-toc

    remark plugin to store table of contents
    1. 62%
    2. 1.2k
    3. 6.68 B
  78. @mavrin/remark-typograf

    Plugin for remark to make your typography better with typograf
    1. 62%
    2. 415
    3. 16.2 B
  79. remark-slate-transformer

    remark plugin to transform remark syntax tree (mdast) to Slate document tree, and vice versa. Made for WYSIWYG markdown editor.
    1. 62%
    2. 121k
    3. 1.91 B
  80. remark-language-server

    Language server for markdown using remark
    1. 56%
    2. 658
  81. remark-directive-rehype

    Remark plugin to enable Markdown directives to be parsed as HTML.
    1. 49%
    2. 73k
  82. remark-helpers

    Helper methods for remark
    1. 44%
    2. 226
    3. 31.5 B
  83. remark-pdf

    remark plugin to compile markdown to pdf.
    1. 41%
    2. 973
    3. 920 B
  84. remark-docx

    remark plugin to compile markdown to docx (Microsoft Word, Office Open XML).
    1. 41%
    2. 16k
    3. 135 B
  85. Find other packages matching mdast on npm