

Packages matching table

  1. remark-gfm

    remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists)
    1. 77%
    2. 12m
    3. 10.5 B
  2. mdast-util-gfm

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
    1. 76%
    2. 12m
    3. 6.68 B
  3. mdast-util-gfm-table

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM tables
    1. 76%
    2. 13m
    3. 4.77 B
  4. micromark-extension-gfm

    micromark extension to support GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
    1. 75%
    2. 12m
    3. 6.68 B
  5. micromark-extension-gfm-table

    micromark extension to support GFM tables
    1. 74%
    2. 13m
    3. 1.91 B
  6. remark-lint-table-cell-padding

    remark-lint rule to warn when table cells are incorrectly padded
    1. 72%
    2. 351k
    3. 4.77 B
  7. remark-lint-table-pipes

    remark-lint rule to warn when table rows are not fenced with pipes
    1. 72%
    2. 285k
    3. 0.954 B
  8. remark-lint-no-table-indentation

    remark-lint rule to warn when tables are indented
    1. 72%
    2. 283k
    3. 3.81 B
  9. remark-toc

    remark plugin to generate a Table of Contents (TOC)
    1. 72%
    2. 459k
    3. 4.77 B
  10. mdast-util-toc

    mdast utility to generate a table of contents from a tree
    1. 72%
    2. 799k
    3. 4.77 B
  11. remark-lint-table-pipe-alignment

    remark-lint rule to warn when table pipes are not aligned
    1. 72%
    2. 264k
    3. 3.81 B
  12. remark-extract-toc

    remark plugin to store table of contents
    1. 62%
    2. 635
    3. 6.68 B
  13. unified-doc-parse-csv

    unified-doc parser to parse csv into a hast table node (RFC-4180 compliant)
    1. 41%
    2. 14
    3. 4.77 B
  14. Find other packages matching table on npm