

All packages

  1. remark-mdx

    remark plugin to support MDX syntax
    1. 90%
    2. 12m
    3. 55.3 B
  2. @mdx-js/mdx

    MDX compiler
    1. 90%
    2. 11m
    3. 97.3 B
  3. remark-parse

    remark plugin to add support for parsing markdown input
    1. 88%
    2. 40m
    3. 24.8 B
  4. unified

    Interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees
    1. 88%
    2. 46m
    3. 2.86 B
  5. @mdx-js/loader

    Webpack loader for MDX
    1. 88%
    2. 2.3m
  6. @mdx-js/react

    React context for MDX
    1. 87%
    2. 27m
    3. 350 B
  7. vfile

    Virtual file format for text processing
    1. 85%
    2. 50m
    3. 0.954 B
  8. unist-util-visit

    unist utility to visit nodes
    1. 85%
    2. 62m
    3. 347 B
  9. react-markdown

    React component to render markdown
    1. 84%
    2. 14m
    3. 42 B
  10. unist-util-visit-parents

    unist utility to recursively walk over nodes, with ancestral information
    1. 83%
    2. 65m
  11. unist-util-is

    unist utility to check if a node passes a test
    1. 83%
    2. 66m
    3. 596 B
  12. mdast-util-to-hast

    mdast utility to transform to hast
    1. 82%
    2. 30m
    3. 3.81 B
  13. hastscript

    hast utility to create trees
    1. 82%
    2. 25m
    3. 6.68 B
  14. unist-util-stringify-position

    unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location
    1. 82%
    2. 58m
    3. 278 B
  15. remark-stringify

    remark plugin to add support for serializing markdown
    1. 82%
    2. 19m
    3. 16.2 B
  16. mdast-util-to-string

    mdast utility to get the plain text content of a node
    1. 82%
    2. 53m
    3. 369 B
  17. vfile-message

    vfile utility to create a virtual message
    1. 82%
    2. 51m
    3. 718 B
  18. unist-builder

    unist utility to create a new trees with a nice syntax
    1. 82%
    2. 10m
    3. 247 B
  19. remark

    unified processor with support for parsing markdown input and serializing markdown as output
    1. 82%
    2. 8.1m
    3. 33.4 B
  20. vfile-location

    vfile utility to convert between positional (line and column-based) and offset (range-based) locations
    1. 81%
    2. 21m
    3. 448 B
  21. unist-util-remove-position

    unist utility to remove positions from a tree
    1. 81%
    2. 19m
    3. 351 B
  22. micromark

    small commonmark compliant markdown parser with positional info and concrete tokens
    1. 81%
    2. 42m
    3. 23.8 B
  23. unist-util-position

    unist utility to get the position of a node
    1. 81%
    2. 31m
    3. 313 B
  24. unist-util-generated

    unist utility to check if a node is generated
    1. 81%
    2. 16m
    3. 203 B
  25. hast-util-parse-selector

    hast utility to create an element from a simple CSS selector
    1. 81%
    2. 24m
    3. 345 B
  26. hast-util-from-parse5

    hast utility to transform from Parse5’s AST
    1. 81%
    2. 16m
    3. 7.63 B
  27. mdast-util-definitions

    mdast utility to find definition nodes in a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 22m
    3. 432 B
  28. mdast-util-from-markdown

    mdast utility to parse markdown
    1. 80%
    2. 40m
    3. 24.8 B
  29. unist-util-remove

    unist utility to remove nodes from a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 7.1m
    3. 586 B
  30. hast-util-raw

    hast utility to reparse a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 14m
    3. 54.4 B
  31. hast-util-to-parse5

    hast utility to transform hast to Parse5’s AST
    1. 80%
    2. 14m
    3. 5.72 B
  32. mdast-squeeze-paragraphs

    mdast utility to remove empty paragraphs from a tree
    1. 80%
    2. 5.2m
    3. 394 B
  33. micromark-core-commonmark

    The CommonMark markdown constructs
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 19.1 B
  34. micromark-util-character

    micromark utility to handle character codes
    1. 79%
    2. 42m
    3. 453 B
  35. micromark-util-subtokenize

    micromark utility to tokenize subtokens
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 0.954 B
  36. micromark-factory-title

    micromark factory to parse markdown titles (found in resources, definitions)
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 598 B
  37. micromark-factory-label

    micromark factory to parse labels (found in media, definitions)
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 554 B
  38. micromark-util-sanitize-uri

    micromark utility to sanitize urls
    1. 79%
    2. 33m
    3. 662 B
  39. micromark-factory-space

    micromark factory to parse markdown space (found in lots of places)
    1. 79%
    2. 35m
    3. 400 B
  40. micromark-util-normalize-identifier

    micromark utility normalize identifiers (as found in references, definitions)
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 215 B
  41. micromark-util-chunked

    micromark utility to splice and push with giant arrays
    1. 79%
    2. 31m
    3. 305 B
  42. micromark-util-resolve-all

    micromark utility to resolve subtokens
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 220 B
  43. micromark-util-classify-character

    micromark utility to classify whether a character is whitespace or punctuation
    1. 79%
    2. 31m
    3. 329 B
  44. micromark-util-combine-extensions

    micromark utility to combine syntax or html extensions
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 492 B
  45. micromark-factory-destination

    micromark factory to parse destinations (found in resources, definitions)
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 639 B
  46. micromark-factory-whitespace

    micromark factory to parse markdown whitespace (found in lots of places)
    1. 79%
    2. 30m
    3. 479 B
  47. micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference

    micromark utility to decode numeric character references
    1. 79%
    2. 31m
    3. 298 B
  48. micromark-util-decode-string

    micromark utility to decode markdown strings
    1. 79%
    2. 29m
    3. 10.5 B
  49. remark-squeeze-paragraphs

    remark plugin to remove empty paragraphs
    1. 79%
    2. 5.2m
    3. 401 B
  50. @mdx-js/preact

    Preact context for MDX
    1. 79%
    2. 15k
    3. 356 B
  51. mdast-util-to-markdown

    mdast utility to serialize markdown
    1. 78%
    2. 32m
    3. 17.2 B
  52. @mdx-js/esbuild

    esbuild plugin for MDX
    1. 78%
    2. 263k
  53. remark-rehype

    remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
    1. 78%
    2. 21m
    3. 3.81 B
  54. @mdx-js/rollup

    Rollup plugin for MDX
    1. 77%
    2. 246k
    3. 16.2 B
  55. remark-cli

    Command line interface to inspect and change markdown files with remark
    1. 77%
    2. 794k
  56. remark-gfm

    remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists)
    1. 77%
    2. 17m
    3. 11.4 B
  57. @mdx-js/vue

    Vue provider for MDX
    1. 77%
    2. 6k
    3. 330 B
  58. hast-util-whitespace

    hast utility to check if a node is inter-element whitespace
    1. 77%
    2. 23m
    3. 229 B
  59. @mdx-js/node-loader

    Experimental Node loader for MDX
    1. 76%
    2. 2.1k
  60. mdast-util-find-and-replace

    mdast utility to find and replace text in a tree
    1. 76%
    2. 19m
    3. 0.954 B
  61. mdast-util-gfm

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
    1. 76%
    2. 18m
    3. 6.68 B
  62. mdast-util-gfm-table

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM tables
    1. 76%
    2. 18m
    3. 4.77 B
  63. rehype-parse

    rehype plugin to parse HTML
    1. 75%
    2. 4.6m
    3. 55.3 B
  64. rehype-stringify

    rehype plugin to serialize HTML
    1. 75%
    2. 4.1m
    3. 10.5 B
  65. mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM autolink literals
    1. 75%
    2. 18m
    3. 1.91 B
  66. mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM strikethrough
    1. 75%
    2. 18m
    3. 452 B
  67. hast-util-to-html

    hast utility to serialize to HTML
    1. 75%
    2. 8.2m
    3. 9.54 B
  68. mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM task list items
    1. 75%
    2. 18m
    3. 3.81 B
  69. micromark-extension-gfm

    micromark extension to support GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
    1. 75%
    2. 18m
    3. 6.68 B
  70. hast-util-is-element

    hast utility to check if a node is a (certain) element
    1. 75%
    2. 12m
    3. 585 B
  71. remark-frontmatter

    remark plugin to support frontmatter (yaml, toml, and more)
    1. 75%
    2. 5.6m
    3. 1.91 B
  72. micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough

    micromark extension to support GFM strikethrough
    1. 75%
    2. 18m
    3. 0.954 B
  73. unist-util-find-all-after

    unist utility to find nodes after another node
    1. 75%
    2. 3.9m
    3. 610 B
  74. micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal

    micromark extension to support GFM autolink literals
    1. 74%
    2. 19m
    3. 1.91 B
  75. micromark-extension-gfm-table

    micromark extension to support GFM tables
    1. 74%
    2. 20m
    3. 1.91 B
  76. micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item

    micromark extension to support GFM task list items
    1. 74%
    2. 18m
    3. 721 B
  77. estree-util-is-identifier-name

    Check if something can be an ecmascript (javascript) identifier name
    1. 74%
    2. 16m
    3. 311 B
  78. retext-english

    retext plugin to parse English prose
    1. 74%
    2. 371k
    3. 10.5 B
  79. micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter

    micromark extension to support GFM tagfilter
    1. 74%
    2. 18m
    3. 369 B
  80. hast-util-sanitize

    hast utility to sanitize nodes
    1. 74%
    2. 2.6m
    3. 2.86 B
  81. hast-util-to-string

    hast utility to get the plain-text value of a node
    1. 74%
    2. 9.2m
    3. 256 B
  82. estree-util-visit

    esast (and estree) utility to visit nodes
    1. 74%
    2. 7.8m
  83. rehype-raw

    rehype plugin to reparse the tree (and raw nodes)
    1. 74%
    2. 7.2m
  84. unified-lint-rule

    unified plugin to make it a bit easier to create linting rules
    1. 74%
    2. 1.7m
    3. 653 B
  85. mdast-util-mdx-jsx

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX or MDX.js JSX
    1. 74%
    2. 14m
    3. 16.2 B
  86. mdast-util-mdx

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX (or MDX.js)
    1. 73%
    2. 7.6m
    3. 16.2 B
  87. unist-util-position-from-estree

    unist utility to get a position from an estree node
    1. 73%
    2. 7.7m
    3. 336 B
  88. mdast-util-mdxjs-esm

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX.js ESM (import/exports)
    1. 73%
    2. 14m
    3. 400 B
  89. retext-latin

    retext plugin to parse Latin-script prose
    1. 73%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 9.54 B
  90. retext-stringify

    retext plugin to serialize prose
    1. 73%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 315 B
  91. retext

    natural language processor powered by plugins part of the unified collective
    1. 73%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 13.4 B
  92. mdast-util-mdx-expression

    mdast extension to parse and serialize MDX (or MDX.js) expressions
    1. 73%
    2. 14m
  93. remark-lint-no-blockquote-without-marker

    remark-lint rule to warn when blank lines without markers (>) are found in a block quote
    1. 73%
    2. 796k
    3. 3.81 B
  94. mdast-util-frontmatter

    mdast extension to parse and serialize frontmatter (YAML, TOML, etc)
    1. 73%
    2. 5.6m
    3. 0.954 B
  95. remark-lint

    remark plugin to lint Markdown code style
    1. 73%
    2. 867k
    3. 1.91 B
  96. remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when the markers of ordered lists violate a given style
    1. 73%
    2. 851k
  97. mdast-util-gfm-footnote

    mdast extension to parse and serialize GFM footnotes
    1. 73%
    2. 15m
  98. remark-lint-list-item-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when the spacing between a list item’s bullet and its content violates a given style
    1. 73%
    2. 802k
    3. 2.86 B
  99. remark-lint-hard-break-spaces

    remark-lint rule to warn when too many spaces are used to create a hard break
    1. 73%
    2. 794k
    3. 0.954 B
  100. hast-util-has-property

    hast utility to check if a node has a property
    1. 73%
    2. 3.2m
    3. 224 B
  101. remark-lint-no-literal-urls

    remark-lint rule to warn when URLs without angle brackets are used
    1. 73%
    2. 791k
    3. 0.954 B
  102. remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-link

    remark-lint rule to warn when shortcut reference links are used
    1. 73%
    2. 789k
    3. 870 B
  103. remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-image

    remark-lint rule to warn when shortcut reference images are used
    1. 73%
    2. 789k
    3. 873 B
  104. nlcst-to-string

    nlcst utility to transform a tree to a string
    1. 73%
    2. 2.7m
    3. 291 B
  105. remark-lint-list-item-bullet-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when list item bullets are indented
    1. 73%
    2. 703k
    3. 2.86 B
  106. remark-lint-no-heading-content-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when heading content is indented
    1. 73%
    2. 701k
    3. 2.86 B
  107. remark-lint-final-newline

    remark-lint rule to warn when a newline at the end of a file is missing
    1. 73%
    2. 704k
    3. 0.954 B
  108. remark-lint-no-unused-definitions

    remark-lint rule to warn when unused definitions are found
    1. 73%
    2. 710k
    3. 0.954 B
  109. remark-preset-lint-recommended

    remark preset to configure remark-lint with rules that prevent mistakes or stuff that fails across vendors.
    1. 73%
    2. 673k
    3. 8.58 B
  110. hast-util-to-text

    hast utility to get the plain-text value of a node according to the innerText algorithm
    1. 73%
    2. 4.2m
    3. 0.954 B
  111. unist-util-find-after

    unist utility to find a node after another node
    1. 73%
    2. 4.3m
    3. 600 B
  112. micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm

    micromark extension to support MDX JS import/exports
    1. 73%
    2. 7.8m
    3. 2.86 B
  113. to-vfile

    vfile utility to create a vfile from a filepath
    1. 73%
    2. 1.1m
    3. 0.954 B
  114. remark-lint-no-duplicate-definitions

    remark-lint rule to warn on duplicate definitions
    1. 72%
    2. 699k
    3. 0.954 B
  115. remark-lint-no-undefined-references

    remark-lint rule to warn when references to undefined definitions are found
    1. 72%
    2. 709k
    3. 1.91 B
  116. micromark-extension-mdxjs

    micromark extension to support MDX.js
    1. 72%
    2. 7.5m
    3. 40.1 B
  117. micromark-extension-mdx-jsx

    micromark extension to support MDX or MDX.js JSX
    1. 72%
    2. 8m
    3. 4.77 B
  118. micromark-extension-frontmatter

    micromark extension to support frontmatter (YAML, TOML, etc)
    1. 72%
    2. 5.6m
    3. 0.954 B
  119. micromark-extension-gfm-footnote

    micromark extension to support GFM footnotes
    1. 72%
    2. 16m
    3. 1.91 B
  120. rehype-slug

    rehype plugin to add id attributes to headings
    1. 72%
    2. 6.9m
    3. 2.86 B
  121. remark-lint-rule-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when horizontal rules violate a given style
    1. 72%
    2. 473k
    3. 1.91 B
  122. remark-lint-fenced-code-marker

    remark-lint rule to warn when fenced code markers violate the given style
    1. 72%
    2. 473k
    3. 1.91 B
  123. remark-lint-strong-marker

    remark-lint rule to warn when importance (strong) markers violate the given style
    1. 72%
    2. 477k
    3. 0.954 B
  124. remark-lint-table-cell-padding

    remark-lint rule to warn when table cells are incorrectly padded
    1. 72%
    2. 471k
    3. 4.77 B
  125. remark-lint-unordered-list-marker-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when markers of unordered lists violate a given style
    1. 72%
    2. 436k
    3. 1.91 B
  126. remark-lint-heading-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when heading style violates the given style
    1. 72%
    2. 473k
    3. 1.91 B
  127. micromark-extension-mdx-md

    micromark extension to turn some markdown features off for MDX
    1. 72%
    2. 7.5m
    3. 203 B
  128. remark-lint-code-block-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when code blocks do not adhere to a given style
    1. 72%
    2. 475k
    3. 1.91 B
  129. remark-lint-blockquote-indentation

    remark-lint rule to warn when block quotes are either indented too much or too little
    1. 72%
    2. 478k
    3. 2.86 B
  130. unist-util-modify-children

    unist utility to modify direct children of a parent
    1. 72%
    2. 2.4m
    3. 413 B
  131. estree-util-attach-comments

    Attach comments to estree nodes
    1. 72%
    2. 6.3m
    3. 565 B
  132. remark-lint-emphasis-marker

    remark-lint rule to warn when emphasis markers violate the given style
    1. 72%
    2. 461k
    3. 0.954 B
  133. hast-util-heading-rank

    hast utility to get the rank (or depth, level) of headings
    1. 72%
    2. 7.2m
    3. 255 B
  134. remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-value

    remark-lint rule to warn when the marker value of ordered lists violates a given style
    1. 72%
    2. 466k
    3. 1.91 B
  135. rehype-react

    rehype plugin to transform to React
    1. 72%
    2. 588k
    3. 8.58 B
  136. estree-util-build-jsx

    Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)
    1. 72%
    2. 6.1m
    3. 1.91 B
  137. rehype-autolink-headings

    rehype plugin to add links to headings
    1. 72%
    2. 1.3m
    3. 1.91 B
  138. remark-lint-final-definition

    remark-lint rule to warn when definitions are not placed at the end of the file
    1. 72%
    2. 411k
    3. 1.91 B
  139. hast-util-select

    hast utility for querySelector, querySelectorAll, and matches
    1. 72%
    2. 1.6m
    3. 13.4 B
  140. remark-lint-maximum-line-length

    remark-lint rule to warn when lines are too long
    1. 72%
    2. 414k
    3. 2.86 B
  141. remark-lint-checkbox-character-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when list item checkboxes violate a given style
    1. 72%
    2. 374k
    3. 1.91 B
  142. remark-lint-table-pipes

    remark-lint rule to warn when table rows are not fenced with pipes
    1. 72%
    2. 379k
    3. 0.954 B
  143. remark-lint-definition-spacing

    remark-lint rule to warn when consecutive whitespace is used in a definition
    1. 72%
    2. 372k
    3. 2.86 B
  144. remark-lint-no-table-indentation

    remark-lint rule to warn when tables are indented
    1. 72%
    2. 375k
    3. 3.81 B
  145. vfile-sort

    vfile utility to sort messages by line/column
    1. 72%
    2. 2.1m
    3. 299 B
  146. remark-lint-link-title-style

    remark-lint rule to warn when link and definition titles occur with incorrect quotes
    1. 72%
    2. 453k
    3. 0.954 B
  147. remark-lint-no-consecutive-blank-lines

    remark-lint rule to warn for too many consecutive blank lines
    1. 72%
    2. 371k
    3. 2.86 B
  148. remark-toc

    remark plugin to generate a Table of Contents (TOC)
    1. 72%
    2. 611k
    3. 4.77 B
  149. remark-lint-no-shell-dollars

    remark-lint rule to warn when shell code is prefixed by dollars
    1. 72%
    2. 376k
    3. 0.954 B
  150. remark-lint-fenced-code-flag

    remark-lint rule to warn when fenced code blocks occur without language flag
    1. 72%
    2. 375k
    3. 10.5 B
  151. remark-lint-definition-case

    remark-lint rule to warn when definition labels are not lowercase
    1. 72%
    2. 360k
    3. 0.954 B
  152. remark-lint-list-item-content-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when the content of a list item has mixed indentation
    1. 72%
    2. 450k
    3. 3.81 B
  153. vfile-statistics

    vfile utility to count messages per category: failures, warnings, etc
    1. 72%
    2. 2.1m
    3. 356 B
  154. mdast-util-toc

    mdast utility to generate a table of contents from a tree
    1. 72%
    2. 1.1m
    3. 4.77 B
  155. remark-lint-no-file-name-articles

    remark-lint rule to warn when file name start with an article
    1. 72%
    2. 375k
    3. 789 B
  156. remark-lint-no-file-name-consecutive-dashes

    remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain consecutive dashes
    1. 72%
    2. 366k
    3. 775 B
  157. remark-lint-no-file-name-outer-dashes

    remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain initial or final dashes
    1. 72%
    2. 375k
    3. 785 B
  158. remark-lint-table-pipe-alignment

    remark-lint rule to warn when table pipes are not aligned
    1. 72%
    2. 356k
  159. unist-util-select

    unist utility to select nodes with CSS-like selectors
    1. 72%
    2. 766k
    3. 5.72 B
  160. hast-util-to-estree

    hast utility to transform to estree (JavaScript AST) JSX
    1. 72%
    2. 6.4m
    3. 9.54 B
  161. unist-util-visit-children

    unist utility to visit direct children of a parent
    1. 72%
    2. 2.3m
    3. 241 B
  162. unist-util-inspect

    unist utility to inspect nodes
    1. 72%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 0.954 B
  163. micromark-util-events-to-acorn

    micromark utility to try and parse events w/ acorn
    1. 72%
    2. 7.6m
    3. 1.91 B
  164. remark-lint-no-heading-punctuation

    remark-lint rule to warn when headings end in illegal characters
    1. 71%
    2. 355k
    3. 0.954 B
  165. remark-lint-no-emphasis-as-heading

    remark-lint rule to warn when emphasis or importance is used instead of a heading
    1. 71%
    2. 349k
    3. 0.954 B
  166. remark-html

    remark plugin to compile Markdown to HTML
    1. 71%
    2. 1m
    3. 16.2 B
  167. remark-lint-no-file-name-irregular-characters

    remark-lint rule to warn when file names contain irregular characters
    1. 71%
    2. 361k
    3. 877 B
  168. remark-lint-no-file-name-mixed-case

    remark-lint rule to warn when file names use mixed case
    1. 71%
    2. 358k
    3. 789 B
  169. remark-lint-file-extension

    remark-lint rule to warn when the file’s extension violates the given style
    1. 71%
    2. 369k
    3. 0.954 B
  170. vfile-reporter

    vfile utility to create a report for a file
    1. 71%
    2. 2.2m
  171. unist-util-map

    unist utility to create a new tree by mapping all nodes
    1. 71%
    2. 433k
    3. 229 B
  172. mdast-comment-marker

    mdast utility to parse a comment marker
    1. 71%
    2. 923k
    3. 566 B
  173. remark-lint-no-tabs

    remark-lint rule to warn when hard tabs are used instead of spaces
    1. 71%
    2. 280k
    3. 0.954 B
  174. remark-lint-no-multiple-toplevel-headings

    remark-lint rule to warn when multiple top level headings are used
    1. 71%
    2. 379k
    3. 0.954 B
  175. micromark-factory-mdx-expression

    micromark factory to parse MDX expressions (found in JSX attributes, flow, text)
    1. 71%
    2. 7.7m
    3. 2.86 B
  176. remark-github

    remark plugin to autolink references like in GitHub issues, PRs, and comments
    1. 71%
    2. 673k
    3. 1.91 B
  177. unified-engine

    Engine to process multiple files with unified
    1. 71%
    2. 1.7m
  178. unist-util-filter

    unist utility to create a new tree with nodes that pass a filter
    1. 71%
    2. 1.8m
    3. 623 B
  179. remark-preset-lint-consistent

    remark preset to configure remark-lint with rules that enforce consistency
    1. 71%
    2. 319k
    3. 8.58 B
  180. remark-lint-checkbox-content-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when list item checkboxes are followed by too much whitespace
    1. 71%
    2. 234k
    3. 2.86 B
  181. remark-lint-first-heading-level

    remark-lint rule to warn when the first heading has a level other than a specified value
    1. 71%
    2. 63k
    3. 0.954 B
  182. remark-breaks

    remark plugin to add break support, without needing spaces
    1. 71%
    2. 1.2m
    3. 0.954 B
  183. remark-lint-no-heading-indent

    remark-lint rule to warn when headings are indented
    1. 71%
    2. 232k
    3. 2.86 B
  184. rehype-sanitize

    rehype plugin to sanitize HTML
    1. 71%
    2. 1.3m
    3. 2.86 B
  185. micromark-extension-mdx-expression

    micromark extension to support MDX or MDX JS expressions
    1. 71%
    2. 7.8m
  186. mdast-util-heading-style

    mdast utility to get the style of a heading
    1. 71%
    2. 615k
    3. 304 B
  187. remark-lint-no-empty-url

    remark-lint rule to warn on empty URLs in links and images
    1. 71%
    2. 253k
    3. 886 B
  188. remark-lint-no-missing-blank-lines

    remark-lint rule to warn when missing blank lines
    1. 71%
    2. 43k
    3. 0.954 B
  189. remark-lint-no-duplicate-headings

    remark-lint rule to warn on duplicate headings
    1. 71%
    2. 348k
    3. 0.954 B
  190. remark-lint-list-item-spacing

    remark-lint rule to warn when list looseness is incorrect
    1. 71%
    2. 352k
    3. 3.81 B
  191. rehype-sort-attribute-values

    rehype plugin to sort attribute values
    1. 71%
    2. 346k
    3. 0.954 B
  192. remark-lint-heading-increment

    remark-lint rule to warn when headings increment with more than 1 level at a time
    1. 71%
    2. 359k
    3. 0.954 B
  193. rehype-sort-attributes

    rehype plugin to reorder attributes based on how often they occur
    1. 71%
    2. 338k
    3. 589 B
  194. remark-lint-maximum-heading-length

    remark-lint rule to warn when headings are too long
    1. 71%
    2. 355k
    3. 0.954 B
  195. hast-util-is-body-ok-link

    hast utility to check if a link element is “Body OK”
    1. 71%
    2. 995k
    3. 312 B
  196. mdast-util-to-nlcst

    mdast utility to transform to nlcst
    1. 71%
    2. 436k
    3. 0.954 B
  197. remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide

    remark preset to configure remark-lint with rules that enforce the markdown style guide
    1. 70%
    2. 324k
    3. 13.4 B
  198. remark-math

    remark plugin to parse and stringify math
    1. 70%
    2. 2.4m
    3. 1.91 B
  199. remark-message-control

    remark plugin to enable, disable, and ignore messages with remark
    1. 70%
    2. 913k
    3. 1.91 B
  200. hast-util-to-mdast

    hast utility to transform to mdast
    1. 70%
    2. 514k
    3. 7.63 B
  201. unified-args

    Create CLIs for unified processors
    1. 70%
    2. 783k
  202. hast-util-from-dom

    hast utility to create a tree from the DOM
    1. 70%
    2. 1.9m
    3. 6.68 B
  203. unified-message-control

    Enable, disable, and ignore messages from unified processors
    1. 70%
    2. 910k
    3. 0.954 B
  204. remark-retext

    remark plugin to support retext
    1. 70%
    2. 436k
    3. 10.5 B
  205. vfile-find-up

    vfile utility to find one or more files by searching the file system upwards
    1. 70%
    2. 97k
    3. 707 B
  206. vfile-matter

    vfile utility to parse the YAML front matter in a file
    1. 70%
    2. 869k
    3. 28.6 B
  207. hast-util-phrasing

    hast utility to check if a node is phrasing content
    1. 70%
    2. 983k
    3. 845 B
  208. retext-equality

    retext plugin to warn about possible insensitive, inconsiderate language
    1. 70%
    2. 66k
  209. retext-smartypants

    retext plugin to implement SmartyPants
    1. 70%
    2. 1.7m
    3. 0.954 B
  210. rehype-minify-whitespace

    rehype plugin to collapse whitespace
    1. 70%
    2. 870k
    3. 0.954 B
  211. retext-dutch

    retext plugin to parse Dutch prose
    1. 70%
    2. 1.9k
    3. 10.5 B
  212. remark-lint-no-html

    remark-lint rule to warn when HTML nodes are used
    1. 70%
    2. 24k
    3. 880 B
  213. nlcst-search

    nlcst utility to search for patterns in a tree
    1. 70%
    2. 82k
    3. 0.954 B
  214. rehype-katex

    rehype plugin to transform inline and block math with KaTeX
    1. 70%
    2. 1.6m
    3. 127 B
  215. nlcst-is-literal

    nlcst utility to check whether a node is meant literally
    1. 70%
    2. 143k
    3. 757 B
  216. mdast-util-math

    mdast extension to parse and serialize math
    1. 69%
    2. 2.3m
    3. 0.954 B
  217. remark-lint-no-duplicate-headings-in-section

    remark-lint rule to warn on duplicate headings in a section
    1. 69%
    2. 209k
    3. 0.954 B
  218. mdast-util-heading-range

    mdast utility to use headings as ranges in mdast
    1. 69%
    2. 62k
    3. 795 B
  219. hast-util-is-conditional-comment

    hast utility to check if a node is a conditional comment
    1. 69%
    2. 244k
    3. 225 B
  220. remark-lint-no-reference-like-url

    remark-lint rule to warn when URLs are also defined identifiers
    1. 69%
    2. 208k
    3. 0.954 B
  221. nlcst-normalize

    nlcst utility to normalize a word for easier comparison
    1. 69%
    2. 89k
    3. 383 B
  222. rehype-remove-comments

    rehype plugin to remove comments (except conditional comments)
    1. 69%
    2. 244k
    3. 454 B
  223. hast-util-embedded

    hast utility to check if a node is an embedded element
    1. 69%
    2. 1.3m
    3. 500 B
  224. mdast-util-phrasing

    mdast utility to check if a node is phrasing content
    1. 69%
    2. 23m
    3. 558 B
  225. retext-keywords

    retext plugin to extract keywords
    1. 69%
    2. 4.9k
    3. 0.954 B
  226. rehype-cli

    CLI to process HTML with rehype
    1. 69%