
Project: mrazauskas/docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks

Package: docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks@1.2.0

  1. Turn Docusaurus code blocks into tab blocks
  1. remark 215
  2. markdown 156
  3. plugin 139
  4. mdx 39
  5. code 7
  6. md 5
  7. docusaurus 2
  8. tab 2


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Turn Docusaurus code blocks into tab blocks.

This Docusaurus plugin transforms markdown code blocks into tabs. Just add the tab key to the language meta string:

```js tab
console.log("Hello JavaScript tab!");

```ts tab
console.log("Ahoy TypeScript tab!");

And you have:


A Docusaurus theme with the Tabs and TabItems components is required.


npm add docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks


Current version of the plugin only works with Docusaurus 3. For Docusaurus 2, you should install docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks@1.3.1.


Add the plugin to the remarkPlugins list of your Docusaurus configuration:

import tabBlocks from "docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks";

export default {
  presets: [
        blog: {
          remarkPlugins: [tabBlocks],
        docs: {
          remarkPlugins: [
              // optional plugin configuration
                labels: [
                  ["json", "JSON"],
                  ["jsx", "JSX"],
                  ["tsx", "TSX"],
        pages: {
          remarkPlugins: [tabBlocks],

API Reference

Plugin configuration

Configuration options can be passed to the plugin using the tuple form. See usage example above.


The groupId property for all instances of Tabs component created by this plugin. Applicable only if sync option is set to true.


List with tuples with code block language attribute and tab label text.


Whether tab choices should be synced between all tabs created by this plugin.

tab options

Each tab can be customized separately by assign a configuration object to the tab key. Keep in mind that the object must be parsable JSON.


Sets custom tab label text.

```bash tab={"label":"npm"}
npm install docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks

```bash tab={"label":"yarn"}
yarn add docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks


Makes a single tab wrap two or more code blocks.

```js tab={"span":2} title="SomeClass.js"
module.exports = class SomeClass {
  method(a, b) {}

```js title="SomeClass.test.js"
const SomeClass = require("./SomeClass");

// this and previous code blocks live in a single tab

```ts tab={"span":2} title="SomeClass.ts"
export class SomeClass {
  method(a: string, b: string): void {}

```ts title="SomeClass.test.ts"
import { SomeClass } from "./SomeClass";

// this and previous code blocks live in a single tab

The example above will be rendered like this:
