
Project: syntax-tree/estree-util-to-js

Package: estree-util-to-js@1.1.0

  1. estree (and esast) utility to serialize to JavaScript
  1. util 144
  2. utility 140
  3. unist 131
  4. stringify 18
  5. serialize 12
  6. estree 9
  7. js 8
  8. esast 5
  9. esast-util 4
  10. tostring 3
  11. estree-util 2


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estree (and esast) utility to serialize estrees as JavaScript.


What is this?

This package is a utility that turns an estree syntax tree into a string of JavaScript.

When should I use this?

You can use this utility when you want to get the serialized JavaScript that is represented by the syntax tree, either because you’re done with the syntax tree, or because you’re integrating with another tool that does not support syntax trees.

This utility is particularly useful when integrating with other unified tools, such as unist and vfile.

The utility esast-util-from-js does the inverse of this utility. It turns JS into esast.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install estree-util-to-js

In Deno with esm.sh:

import {toJs} from 'https://esm.sh/estree-util-to-js@2'

In browsers with esm.sh:

<script type="module">
  import {toJs} from 'https://esm.sh/estree-util-to-js@2?bundle'


import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import {parse} from 'acorn'
import {toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'

const file = String(await fs.readFile('index.js'))

const tree = parse(file, {ecmaVersion: 2022, sourceType: 'module', locations: true})

// @ts-expect-error: acorn is funky but it works fine.


  value: "export {toJs} from './lib/index.js';\nexport {jsx} from './lib/jsx.js';\n",
  map: undefined


This package exports the identifiers jsx and toJs. There is no default export.

toJs(tree[, options])

Serialize an estree as JavaScript.


Result, optionally with source map (Result).


Map of handlers to handle the nodes of JSX extensions in JavaScript (Handlers).


Handle a particular node (TypeScript type).


Nothing (undefined).


Handlers of nodes (TypeScript type).

type Handlers = Partial<Record<Node['type'], Handler>>


Raw source map from source-map (TypeScript type).


Configuration (TypeScript type).



Result (TypeScript type).



State from astring (TypeScript type).


Example: source maps

Source maps are supported when passing the SourceMapGenerator class from source-map. You should also pass filePath. Modified example from § Use above:

 import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
 import {parse} from 'acorn'
+import {SourceMapGenerator} from 'source-map'
 import {toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'

-const file = String(await fs.readFile('index.js'))
+const filePath = 'index.js'
+const file = String(await fs.readFile(filePath))

 const tree = parse(file, {
   ecmaVersion: 2022,
@@ -11,4 +13,4 @@ const tree = parse(file, {

 // @ts-expect-error: acorn is funky but it works fine.
+console.log(toJs(tree, {filePath, SourceMapGenerator}))


  value: "export {toJs} from './lib/index.js';\nexport {jsx} from './lib/jsx.js';\n",
  map: {
    version: 3,
    sources: [ 'index.js' ],
    names: [],
    mappings: 'QAOQ,WAAW;QACX,UAAU',
    file: 'index.js'

Example: comments

To get comments to work, they have to be inside the tree. This is not done by Acorn. estree-util-attach-comments can do that. Modified example from § Use above:

 import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
 import {parse} from 'acorn'
+import {attachComments} from 'estree-util-attach-comments'
 import {toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'

 const file = String(await fs.readFile('index.js'))

+/** @type {Array<import('estree-jsx').Comment>} */
+const comments = []
 const tree = parse(file, {
   ecmaVersion: 2022,
   sourceType: 'module',
-  locations: true
+  locations: true,
+  // @ts-expect-error: acorn is funky these comments are fine.
+  onComment: comments
+attachComments(tree, comments)

 // @ts-expect-error: acorn is funky but it works fine.


  value: '/**\n' +
    "* @typedef {import('./lib/index.js').Options} Options\n" +
    "* @typedef {import('./lib/types.js').Handler} Handler\n" +
    "* @typedef {import('./lib/types.js').Handlers} Handlers\n" +
    "* @typedef {import('./lib/types.js').State} State\n" +
    '*/\n' +
    "export {toJs} from './lib/index.js';\n" +
    "export {jsx} from './lib/jsx.js';\n",
  map: undefined

Example: JSX

To get JSX to work, handlers need to be registered. This is not done by default, but they are exported as jsx and can be passed. Modified example from § Use above:

 import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
-import {parse} from 'acorn'
-import {toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'
+import {Parser} from 'acorn'
+import acornJsx from 'acorn-jsx'
+import {jsx, toJs} from 'estree-util-to-js'

-const file = String(await fs.readFile('index.js'))
+const file = '<>{1 + 1}</>'

-const tree = parse(file, {
+const tree = Parser.extend(acornJsx()).parse(file, {
   ecmaVersion: 2022,
   sourceType: 'module',
   locations: true

 // @ts-expect-error: acorn is funky but it works fine.
+console.log(toJs(tree, {handlers: jsx}))


{ value: '<>{1 + 1}</>;\n', map: undefined }


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. It exports the additional types Handler, Handlers, Map, Options, Result, and State.


Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained versions of Node.js.

When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of Node. This means we try to keep the current release line, estree-util-to-js@^2, compatible with Node.js 16.


See contributing.md in syntax-tree/.github for ways to get started. See support.md for ways to get help.

This project has a code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT © Titus Wormer