remark plugin to transform the code blocks in Handlebars syntax to Angle brackets syntax for Ember apps/addon documentation written in Markdown. It will only transform codeblocks of hbs
type and leave the rest intact.
Install remark-cli
and this plugin globally and use it:
npm install -g remark-cli remark-ember-abc
remark --use ember-abc
This will print the changed content in the console.
If you want to overwrite then use the output option -o
remark --use ember-abc -o
To apply the transform to all Markdown files in the folder tree (even in nested sub-directories):
remark . --use ember-abc -o
This will be converted to:
One sentence. Two sentences.
One sentence. Two sentences.
{{#ally-landmark tagName="header"}}
This is my header content
<h1>Hello world</h1>
const hello = "world";
to this:
One sentence. Two sentences.
One sentence. Two sentences.
<AllyLandmark @tagName="header">
This is my header content
<h1>Hello world</h1>
const hello = "world";
For more options using the remark-cli
visit the official guides
The transformation is based on the ember-angle-brackets-codemod and tweaked specifically for this plugin. You can take a look at the src
folder transform.js