
Project: temando/remark-gitlab-artifact

Package: remark-gitlab-artifact@0.1.2

  1. Downloads artifacts from Gitlab projects to live alongside your Markdown.
  1. remark 212


NPM Travis CI MIT License

A remark plugin that downloads artifacts from Gitlab projects to live alongside your Markdown.


$ npm install remark-gitlab-artifact


Authors can link to artifacts generated by Gitlab CI. remark-gitlab-artifact will download the artifacts from the master branch build of a specified job for a specified project alongside the Markdown document.

To do this, authors need to know the Gitlab Project ID (either ID, or URL-encoded name) and Job Name. Authors must specify an entrypoint into the artifact, this is where the user will navigate to when the Markdown is published.

The following will download the artifacts from the docs job for Gitlab project 851. When the user clicks on the API Reference link, they will be taken to docs/index.html.

[API Reference](docs/index.html "gitlab-artifact|851|docs")


This plugin has two configuration values, which must be provided:


Messages are added to the vFile's as they are processed and can be accessed using file.messages.


Added when artifacts were able to be retrieved successfully:

example.md:1:1-1:60: artifacts fetched from 851 docs


Added when something went wrong fetching the artifact:

example.md:1:1-1:62: Not Found from https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/fafds/jobs/artifacts/master/download?job=docs.


var vfile = require('to-vfile');
var remark = require('remark');
var gitlab = require('remark-gitlab-artifact');

var example = vfile.readSync('example.md');

  .use(gitlab, {
    apiBase: 'https://gitlab.com',
    gitlabApiToken: 'abc-123'
  .process(example, function (err, file) {
    if (err) throw err;


The artifacts will be unzipped relative to example.md. To change this, set data.destinationFilePath on the vFile. The following will download the artifacts into the /out directory, and then save example.md to the same directory:

var vfile = require('to-vfile');
var remark = require('remark');
var gitlab = require('remark-gitlab-artifact');

var example = vfile.readSync('example.md');
example.data = {
  destinationFilePath: 'out/example.md'

  .use(gitlab, {
    apiBase: 'https://gitlab.com',
    gitlabApiToken: 'abc-123'
  .process(example, function (err, file) {
    if (err) throw err;

    vfile.writeSync({ path: file.data.destinationFilePath });