
Project: inokawa/remark-slate-transformer

Package: remark-slate-transformer@0.7.3

  1. remark plugin to transform remark syntax tree (mdast) to Slate document tree, and vice versa. Made for WYSIWYG markdown editor.
  1. remark 213
  2. markdown 152
  3. unist 132
  4. mdast 87
  5. react 14


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remark plugin to transform remark syntax tree (mdast) to Slate document tree, and vice versa. Made for WYSIWYG markdown editor.

remark is popular markdown parser/serializer which data structure can be converted to what used in rehype, retext and so on. Slate is fully customizable rich text editor built on React. Connect both 2 worlds should be great...


This plugin supports slate 0.50+. The data structure is described here. slate ~0.47.9 was supported until 0.8.1.

All nodes in mdast syntax tree are supported, including nodes created with...

And also have experimental support for custom AST.




npm install remark-slate-transformer

Supported unified versions

>=0.7.0 <0.9.0>=10.1.0 <11.0.0
>=0.5.0 <0.7.0>=10.0.0


Transform remark to slate

import { unified } from "unified";
import markdown from "remark-parse";
import { remarkToSlate } from "remark-slate-transformer";

const processor = unified().use(markdown).use(remarkToSlate);

const text = "# hello world";

const value = processor.processSync(text).result;

Transform slate to remark

import { unified } from "unified";
import stringify from "remark-stringify";
import { slateToRemark } from "remark-slate-transformer";

const processor = unified().use(stringify);

const value = ...; // value passed to slate editor

const ast = processor.runSync(slateToRemark(value));
const text = processor.stringify(ast);

Support custom AST

import { unified } from "unified";
import markdown from "remark-parse";
import stringify from "remark-stringify";
import { remarkToSlate, slateToRemark } from "remark-slate-transformer";

const text = "# hello world";
const r2s = unified()
  .use(remarkToSlate, {
    // If you use TypeScript, install `@types/mdast` for autocomplete.
    overrides: {
      // This overrides `type: "heading"` builder of remarkToSlate
      heading: (node, next) => ({
        type: "head",
        dep: node.depth,
        // You have to call next if the node have children
        children: next(node.children),
      // Unknown type from community plugins can be handled
      foo: (node, next) => ({ type: "foo", value: node.bar }),
const value = r2s.processSync(text).result;

const s2r = unified().use(stringify);
const ast = s2r.runSync(
  slateToRemark(value, {
    overrides: {
      head: (node, next) => ({
        type: "heading",
        depth: node.dep,
        children: next(node.children),
      foo: (node, next) => ({ type: "foo", bar: node.value }),
const text = s2r.stringify(ast);


Transformer utilities mdastToSlate and slateToMdast are also exported for more fine-tuned control.


All contributions are welcome. If you find a problem, feel free to create an issue or a PR.

Making a Pull Request

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Commit your fix.
  4. Add tests to cover the fix.
  5. Make a PR and confirm all the CI checks passed.