
Project: unified-doc/unified-doc-dom

Package: unified-doc-dom@2.0.1

  1. DOM APIs for unified-doc
  1. unified 183
  2. unist 132
  3. html 124
  4. hast 75
  5. file 34
  6. content 20
  7. document 10
  8. doc 8
  9. dom 8
  10. highlight 7
  11. nlp 6
  12. search 6
  13. annotate 4
  14. mark 4


DOM APIs for unified-doc.


npm install unified-doc-dom


import Doc from 'unified-doc';
import {
} from 'unified-doc-dom';

// optionally import provided css highlight effects, or specify your own
import 'unified-doc-dom/css/highlight.css';

const file = new File(...);
const marks: [
  { id: 'a', start: 0, end: 5 },
  { id: 'b', start: 7, end: 10 },

// prepare data from file and initialize a doc instance
const fileData = await fromFile(file);
const doc = Doc({
  content: fileData.content,
  filename: fileData.name,

// save files in different format
function saveAsHtml() {
function saveAsText() {

// render the document and retrieve the docElement DOM element
const docElement = ... // via doc.compile()

// register click events and custom tooltip implementations with registerMarks
function createTooltip(event, mark) {...}
function destroyTooltip(event, mark) {...}
function register() {
  registerMarks(docElement, marks, {
    onClick: (event, mark) => console.log(mark.id),
    onMouseEnter: (event, mark) => createTooltip(event, mark),
    onMouseLeave: (event, mark) => destroyTooltip(event, mark),

// highlights a mark (e.g. triggered from a button's click event)
function highlightMark(markId) {
  const cleanup = highlight(docElement, markId);
  // use the cleanup function appropriately in a controlled manner

// update/add marks on text selection
function register() {
  function callback(selectedText) {
  const cleanup = selectText(docElement, { callback });
  // use the cleanup function appropriately in a controlled manner


The term doc used below refers to a unified-doc instance. Please refer to unified-doc for detailed documentation of doc API methods.



function fromFile(file: File): Promise<FileData>

Returns FileData from a JS File.

Can only be used asynchronously. This method is useful to prepare file data that will be passed to unified-doc during initialization (e.g. name, content).


import { fromFile } from 'unified-doc-dom';

const file = File(['> some **strong** content'], 'doc.md', { type: 'text/markdown' });
const fileData = await fromFile(file);

  content: '> some **strong** content',
  extension: '.md',
  name: 'doc.md',
  stem: 'doc',
  type: 'text/markdown',



function toFile(fileData: FileData): File;

Returns a JS File from FileData.

This method is useful to convert file data into a JS File object. When used together with doc.file(), this is an easy way to retrieve file representations in supported formats.


import { toFile } from 'unified-doc-dom';
import Doc from 'unified-doc';

const doc = Doc({
  content: '> some **strong** content',
  filename: 'doc.md',

    ['some strong content'],
    { type: 'text/plain' },
    ['<blockquote>some <strong>strong</strong> content<blockquote>'],
    { type: 'text/html' }



function saveFile(fileData: FileData): void;

Saves a JS File from FileData.

Implemented using the file-saver package and toFile method. This method is useful to save the file data returned by the doc.file().


import { saveFile } from 'unified-doc-dom';
import Doc from 'unified-doc';

const doc = Doc({
  content: '> some **strong** content',
  filename: 'doc.md',

function saveAsSource() {

function saveAsHtml() {

function saveAsText() {
interface FileData {
  /** file content in string form */
  content: string;
  /** file extension (includes preceding '.') */
  extension: string;
  /** file name (includes extension) */
  name: string;
  /** file name (without extension) */
  stem: string;
  /** mime type of file */
  type: string;

highlight(docElement, elementId[, options])


function highlight(
  /** document DOM element rendered by `unified-doc` */
  docElement: HTMLElement,
  /** target element ID of interest */
  elementId: string,
  /** options to configure `highlight` behavior */
  options?: HighlightOptions,
): () => void;

Highlights all elements that match a provided elementId under a docElement rendered by unified-doc.

The highlighter draws a bounding box around all queried elements and removes itself after a specified duration. The method returns a cleanup function that can be called appropriately.


import { highlight } from 'unified-doc-dom';

// optionally import provided css highlight effects, or specify your own
import 'unified-doc-dom/css/highlight.css';

const docElement = ...; // document DOM element rendered by unified-doc

const options = {
  background: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)',
  durationMs: 4000,
  highlighterClassName: 'custom-highlighter',
  selector: elementId => `[data-mark-id='${elementId}']`

function handleHighlightElement(elementId) {
  const cleanup = highlight(docElement, elementId, options);
  // you can use and call the cleanup method in a controlled way
interface HighlightOptions {
  /** background color of the highlighter.  A low opacity is recommended e.g. rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2) */
  background?: string;
  /** removes/fades the highlight after some elapsed duration (in ms) */
  durationMs?: number;
  /** customize highlighter behaviors with optional CSS */
  highlighterClassName?: string;
  /** custom `querySelector` pattern for selecting elements based on the provided `elementId` */
  selector?: (elementId: string) => string;

registerMarks(docElement, marks, callbacks)


function registerMarks(
  /** document DOM element rendered by `unified-doc` */
  docElement: HTMLElement,
  /** array of `marks` data used by `unified-doc` **/
  marks: Mark[],
  /** callbacks to apply to marked elements */
  callbacks: MarkCallbacks,

Registers all mark elements with provided callbacks under a docElement rendered by unified-doc.

interface Mark {
  /** unique ID for mark (required for mark algorithm to work) */
  id: string;
  /** start offset of the mark relative to `textContent` of the `doc` */
  start: number;
  /** end offset of the mark relative to `textContent` of the `doc` */
  end: number;
  /** apply optional CSS classnames to marked nodes */
  classNames?: string[];
  /** apply optional dataset attributes (i.e. `data-*`) to marked nodes */
  dataset?: Record<string, any>;
  /** contextual data can be stored here */
  data?: Record<string, any>;
  /** apply optional styles to marked nodes */
  style?: Record<string, any>;

type MarkCallback = (event: MouseEvent, mark: Mark) => void;

interface MarkCallbacks {
  onClick?: MarkCallback;
  onMouseEnter?: MarkCallback;
  onMouseOut?: MarkCallback;

selectText(docElement[, options])


function selectText(
  /** document DOM element rendered by `unified-doc` */
  docElement: HTMLElement,
  /** options to configure `selectText` behavior */
  options?: SelectTextOptions,
): () => void;

Capture selected text under the docElement rendered by unified-doc.

Implemented using the rangy package. The selected text object is Mark-compatible, allowing easy integration with marks used by unified-doc.

interface SelectedText {
  /** start offset of selected text relative to `textContent` of the `docElement` */
  start: number;
  /** end offset of selected text relative to `textContent` of the `docElement` */
  end: number;
  /** selected text value */
  value: string;

interface SelectTextOptions {
  /** captures the `SelectedText` object in a callback */
  callback?: (selectedText: SelectedText) => void;