

Projects by owner @jaywcjlove

  1. jaywcjlove/rehype-attr

    New syntax to add attributes to Markdown.
    1. 68%
    2. 549k
    3. 31
  2. jaywcjlove/rehype-rewrite

    Rewrite element with rehype.
    1. 68%
    2. 613k
    3. 22
  3. jaywcjlove/rehype-video

    Add improved video syntax: links to .mp4 and .mov turn into videos.
    1. 65%
    2. 43k
    3. 9
  4. jaywcjlove/rehype-ignore

    Ignore content display via HTML comments, Shown in GitHub readme, excluded in HTML.
    1. 64%
    2. 543k
    3. 2
  5. Find other projects by owner @jaywcjlove on GitHub