

Projects matching excerpt

  1. rehypejs/rehype-infer-description-meta

    rehype plugin to infer file metadata from the contents of the document
    1. 65%
    2. 55k
    3. 12
  2. syntax-tree/hast-util-truncate

    utility to truncate the tree to a certain number of characters
    1. 64%
    2. 56k
    3. 3
  3. syntax-tree/hast-util-excerpt

    utility to truncate the tree to a comment
    1. 64%
    2. 55k
    3. 2
  4. manovotny/remark-excerpt

    Remark transformer for extracting an excerpt.
    1. 53%
    2. 1.5k
    3. 8
  5. Find other projects matching excerpt on GitHub