

Projects matching extension

  1. remarkjs/remark-directive

    remark plugin to support directives
    1. 69%
    2. 549k
    3. 191
  2. micromark/micromark-extension-directive

    micromark extension to support generic directives (:cite[smith04])
    1. 68%
    2. 583k
    3. 24
  3. syntax-tree/mdast-util-directive

    mdast extension to parse and serialize generic directives (:cite[smith04])
    1. 68%
    2. 609k
    3. 9
  4. phuctm97/remark-parse-frontmatter

    🎓 Parses and validates Markdown frontmatter (YAML) to data object.
    1. 51%
    2. 3k
    3. 9
  5. phuctm97/remark-unwrap-texts

    📋 Unwraps text nodes in Markdown, is useful when publishing to platforms like DEV.to, Medium, Hashnode, etc.
    1. 50%
    2. 179
    3. 5
  6. Find other projects matching extension on GitHub