

Projects matching heading

  1. rehypejs/rehype-slug

    plugin to add id attributes to headings
    1. 72%
    2. 6.9m
    3. 211
  2. syntax-tree/hast-util-heading-rank

    utility to get the rank (or depth, level) of headings
    1. 72%
    2. 7.1m
    3. 7
  3. rehypejs/rehype-autolink-headings

    plugin to add links to headings in HTML
    1. 72%
    2. 1.5m
    3. 228
  4. syntax-tree/mdast-util-heading-style

    utility to get the style of an mdast heading
    1. 71%
    2. 617k
    3. 5
  5. syntax-tree/mdast-util-heading-range

    utility to use headings as ranges in mdast
    1. 69%
    2. 54k
    3. 10
  6. syntax-tree/hast-util-heading

    utility to check if a node is heading content
    1. 68%
    2. 23k
    3. 6
  7. remarkjs/remark-heading-gap

    plugin to adjust the gap between headings in markdown
    1. 67%
    2. 6.1k
    3. 6
  8. remarkjs/remark-normalize-headings

    plugin to make sure there is a single top level heading in a document by adjusting heading ranks accordingly
    1. 66%
    2. 9.1k
    3. 11
  9. syntax-tree/hast-util-shift-heading

    utility to change heading rank (or depth, level) in hast
    1. 66%
    2. 2.7k
    3. 3
  10. rehypejs/rehype-shift-heading

    plugin to change the rank (depth, level) of headings
    1. 65%
    2. 2.6k
    3. 2
  11. Find other projects matching heading on GitHub