

Projects matching react

  1. mdx-js/mdx

    Markdown for the component era
    1. 90%
    2. 50m
    3. 17k
  2. remarkjs/react-markdown

    Markdown component for React
    1. 84%
    2. 12m
    3. 13k
  3. rehypejs/rehype-react

    plugin to transform to preact, react, vue, etc
    1. 72%
    2. 541k
    3. 387
  4. syntax-tree/estree-util-build-jsx

    Transform JSX in estrees to function calls (for react, preact, and most hyperscript interfaces)
    1. 72%
    2. 4.7m
    3. 22
  5. remarkjs/remark-react

    Legacy plugin to transform to React — please use remark-rehype and rehype-react instead
    1. 69%
    2. 190k
    3. 524
  6. remarkjs/react-remark

    React component and hook to use remark to render markdown
    1. 66%
    2. 66k
    3. 192
  7. JS-DevTools/next-mdx

    Adds support for MDX with advanced syntax features in Next.js applications
    1. 64%
    2. 11
    3. 5
  8. inokawa/remark-slate-transformer

    remark plugin to transform remark syntax tree (mdast) to Slate document tree, and vice versa. Made for WYSIWYG markdown editor.
    1. 62%
    2. 86k
    3. 104
  9. unified-doc/unified-doc-react

    react wrapper for unified-doc
    1. 61%
    2. 11
    3. 3
  10. medfreeman/remark-generic-extensions

    !ExtensionContent{Properties} -> 🎉 — commonmark generic directive extension for remark
    1. 48%
    2. 176
    3. 24
  11. vmarkdown/remark-render

    Compile markdown to Virtual DOM with remark.
    1. 36%
    2. 65
    3. 5
  12. Find other projects matching react on GitHub