

Projects matching remark

  1. mdx-js/mdx

    Markdown for the component era
    1. 90%
    2. 50m
    3. 17k
  2. remarkjs/remark

    markdown processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
    1. 88%
    2. 60m
    3. 7.4k
  3. remarkjs/react-markdown

    Markdown component for React
    1. 84%
    2. 12m
    3. 13k
  4. remarkjs/remark-footnotes

    Legacy plugin to add support for pandoc footnotes — please use remark-gfm instead
    1. 79%
    2. 7.2m
    3. 40
  5. remarkjs/remark-squeeze-paragraphs

    plugin to remove empty (or white-space only) paragraphs
    1. 79%
    2. 6.6m
    3. 10
  6. remarkjs/remark-rehype

    plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
    1. 78%
    2. 17m
    3. 251
  7. remarkjs/remark-gfm

    remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists)
    1. 77%
    2. 13m
    3. 674
  8. remarkjs/remark-slug

    Legacy plugin to add ids to headings — please use rehype-slug
    1. 77%
    2. 13m
    3. 89
  9. remarkjs/remark-external-links

    Legacy plugin to automatically add target and rel attributes to external links — please use rehype-external-links instead
    1. 76%
    2. 12m
    3. 55
  10. remarkjs/remark-frontmatter

    remark plugin to support frontmatter (YAML, TOML, and more)
    1. 75%
    2. 4.2m
    3. 250
  11. remarkjs/remark-lint

    plugins to check (lint) markdown code style
    1. 74%
    2. 21m
    3. 930
  12. remarkjs/remark-toc

    plugin to generate a table of contents (TOC)
    1. 72%
    2. 508k
    3. 401
  13. syntax-tree/unist-util-select

    utility to select unist nodes with CSS-like selectors
    1. 72%
    2. 688k
    3. 59
  14. remarkjs/remark-html

    plugin to add support for serializing HTML
    1. 71%
    2. 966k
    3. 310
  15. remarkjs/remark-github

    remark plugin to link references to commits, issues, pull-requests, and users, like on GitHub
    1. 71%
    2. 644k
    3. 165
  16. remarkjs/remark-breaks

    plugin to add break support, without needing spaces
    1. 71%
    2. 1m
    3. 114
  17. remarkjs/remark-math

    remark and rehype plugins to support math
    1. 70%
    2. 2.9m
    3. 354
  18. remarkjs/remark-message-control

    plugin to enable, disable, and ignore messages
    1. 70%
    2. 670k
    3. 8
  19. remarkjs/remark-retext

    plugin to transform from remark (Markdown) to retext (natural language)
    1. 70%
    2. 505k
    3. 25
  20. remarkjs/strip-markdown

    plugin remove Markdown formatting
    1. 69%
    2. 273k
    3. 131
  21. rhysd/remark-emoji

    Remark markdown transformer to replace :emoji: in text
    1. 69%
    2. 1.7m
    3. 121
  22. remarkjs/remark-react

    Legacy plugin to transform to React — please use remark-rehype and rehype-react instead
    1. 69%
    2. 190k
    3. 524
  23. rehypejs/rehype-remark

    plugin to transform from HTML (rehype) to Markdown (remark)
    1. 69%
    2. 241k
    3. 77
  24. remarkjs/remark-directive

    remark plugin to support directives
    1. 69%
    2. 1.2m
    3. 239
  25. remarkjs/remark-reference-links

    plugin to change links and images to references with separate definitions
    1. 69%
    2. 284k
    3. 25
  26. remarkjs/remark-validate-links

    plugin to check that Markdown links and images reference existing files and headings
    1. 69%
    2. 254k
    3. 108
  27. remarkjs/remark-unwrap-images

    plugin to remove the wrapping paragraph for images
    1. 68%
    2. 116k
    3. 76
  28. remarkjs/remark-contributors

    plugin to generate a list of contributors
    1. 68%
    2. 3.3k
    3. 22
  29. jaywcjlove/rehype-attr

    New syntax to add attributes to Markdown.
    1. 68%
    2. 346k
    3. 31
  30. remarkjs/remark-usage

    plugin to add a usage example to your readme
    1. 68%
    2. 23k
    3. 42
  31. remarkjs/remark-comment-config

    plugin to configure remark with comments
    1. 68%
    2. 16k
    3. 14
  32. remarkjs/remark-yaml-config

    plugin to configure remark with YAML frontmatter
    1. 68%
    2. 13k
    3. 7
  33. remarkjs/remark-gemoji

    plugin to turn gemoji shortcodes into emoji 👍
    1. 67%
    2. 187k
    3. 40
  34. remark-embedder/transformer-oembed

    @remark-embedder transformer for oEmbed supported links
    1. 67%
    2. 3.9k
    3. 36
  35. remarkjs/remark-images

    plugin to add a simpler image syntax
    1. 67%
    2. 38k
    3. 34
  36. remarkjs/remark-man

    plugin to compile markdown to man pages
    1. 67%
    2. 4k
    3. 93
  37. imcuttle/remark-heading-id

    The remark plugin for supporting custom heading id
    1. 67%
    2. 39k
    3. 29
  38. mrzmmr/remark-code-blocks

    Remark plugin for selecting and storing code blocks from markdown.
    1. 67%
    2. 5k
    3. 14
  39. remarkjs/remark-heading-gap

    plugin to adjust the gap between headings in markdown
    1. 67%
    2. 4k
    3. 6
  40. remarkjs/remark-autolink-headings

    Legacy remark plugin to automatically add links to headings — please use rehype-autolink-headings instead
    1. 67%
    2. 69k
    3. 64
  41. remark-embedder/core

    🔗 Remark plugin to convert URLs to embed code in markdown.
    1. 67%
    2. 8k
    3. 118
  42. remark-embedder/cache

    A cache for @remark-embedder
    1. 67%
    2. 30
    3. 12
  43. remarkjs/remark-defsplit

    plugin to change links and images to references with separate definitions
    1. 67%
    2. 2.7k
    3. 19
  44. mrzmmr/remark-variables

    Variables support for remark
    1. 67%
    2. 5.2k
    3. 12
  45. remarkjs/remark-inline-links

    plugin to change references and definitions into normal links and images
    1. 67%
    2. 42k
    3. 23
  46. remarkjs/remark-embed-images

    plugin to embed local images as data URIs
    1. 67%
    2. 26k
    3. 33
  47. remarkjs/remark-normalize-headings

    plugin to make sure there is a single top level heading in a document by adjusting heading ranks accordingly
    1. 66%
    2. 7.5k
    3. 11
  48. remcohaszing/remark-mdx-frontmatter

    A remark plugin for converting frontmatter metadata into MDX exports
    1. 66%
    2. 1.6m
    3. 89
  49. remarkjs/remark-git-contributors

    plugin to generate a list of Git contributors
    1. 66%
    2. 172
    3. 12
  50. remarkjs/remark-license

    plugin to generate a license section
    1. 66%
    2. 2k
    3. 19
  51. remark-embedder/transformer-codesandbox

    @remark-embedder transformer for CodeSandbox links
    1. 66%
    2. 470
    3. 2
  52. remarkjs/remark-strip-badges

    plugin to strip badges (such as shields.io)
    1. 66%
    2. 937
    3. 9
  53. remarkjs/remark-highlight.js

    Legacy plugin to highlight code blocks with highlight.js — please use rehype-highlight instead
    1. 66%
    2. 25k
    3. 70
  54. landakram/remark-wiki-link

    Parse and render wiki links.
    1. 66%
    2. 14k
    3. 85
  55. pustovitDmytro/remark-telegraph

    remark plugin to translate markdown into Telegra.ph Nodes
    1. 66%
    2. 1.8k
    3. 5
  56. remarkjs/remark-unlink

    plugin to remove all links, images, references, and definitions
    1. 66%
    2. 10k
    3. 6
  57. remarkjs/react-remark

    React component and hook to use remark to render markdown
    1. 66%
    2. 66k
    3. 192
  58. vweevers/remark-autolink-references

    A remark plugin to autolink custom references.
    1. 65%
    2. 943
    3. 3
  59. remarkjs/remark-bookmarks

    plugin to manage links
    1. 65%
    2. 77
    3. 15
  60. gorango/unist-util-ancestor

    Unist util for finding the closest common ancestor for multiple nodes
    1. 65%
    2. 71
    3. 3
  61. code-dot-org/remark-redactable

    remark plugin to enable other plugins for redaction and restoration of content
    1. 65%
    2. 1.3k
    3. 5
  62. kamranayub/remark-typedoc-symbol-links

    A Remark plugin for transforming TypeDoc symbol links into actual links to your API docs
    1. 64%
    2. 220
    3. 0
  63. shikijs/twoslash

    You take some Shiki, add a hint of TypeScript compiler, and 🎉 incredible static code samples
    1. 64%
    2. 18k
    3. 1k
  64. rockchalkwushock/rehype-code-titles

    Rehype plugin for parsing code blocks and adding titles to code blocks
    1. 63%
    2. 8.5k
    3. 21
  65. mrazauskas/docusaurus-remark-plugin-tab-blocks

    Turn Docusaurus code blocks into tab blocks
    1. 63%
    2. 3.1k
    3. 23
  66. remarkjs/remark-vdom

    Legacy plugin to compile Markdown to Virtual DOM — please use remark-rehype and then something like rehype-react
    1. 63%
    2. 5.9k
    3. 45
  67. mrzmmr/remark-behead

    Remark plugin to increase or decrease markdown heading weight.
    1. 63%
    2. 9.7k
    3. 17
  68. remarkjs/gulp-remark

    Legacy Gulp plugin for remark — please use npm scripts and the like
    1. 63%
    2. 285
    3. 10
  69. potato4d/rehype-plugin-auto-resolve-layout-shift

    Flexible improve CLS plugin for rehype.
    1. 63%
    2. 42
    3. 6
  70. remcohaszing/remark-mdx-images

    A remark plugin for changing image sources to JavaScript imports using MDX
    1. 62%
    2. 7.8k
    3. 26
  71. unlight/remark-plantuml-link

    Generate a plantuml image link from text
    1. 62%
    2. 86
    3. 1
  72. inokawa/remark-extract-toc

    remark plugin to store table of contents
    1. 62%
    2. 929
    3. 6
  73. Mavrin/remark-typograf

    Plugin to make your typography better with https://github.com/typograf
    1. 62%
    2. 354
    3. 13
  74. inokawa/remark-slate-transformer

    remark plugin to transform remark syntax tree (mdast) to Slate document tree, and vice versa. Made for WYSIWYG markdown editor.
    1. 62%
    2. 86k
    3. 104
  75. sergioramos/remark-hint

    Sprinkle hints/tips/warnings on your documents
    1. 61%
    2. 2.5k
    3. 42
  76. unlight/remark-package-dependencies

    Inject to markdown the list of dependencies of your package
    1. 61%
    2. 35
    3. 3
  77. remcohaszing/remark-prettier

    Check and format markdown or MDX using Prettier as a remark plugin
    1. 61%
    2. 3.9k
    3. 7
  78. shivjm/remark-extensions

    Various remark & micromark extensions
    1. 61%
    2. 123
    3. 0
  79. manovotny/remark-mdx-metadata

    Remark transformer for modifying MDX metadata.
    1. 61%
    2. 509
    3. 10
  80. myl7/remark-github-beta-blockquote-admonitions

    remark plugin to add support for GitHub beta blockquote-based admonitions
    1. 61%
    2. 1.9k
    3. 21
  81. purefun/remark-join-cjk-lines

    A remark plugin to remove extra space between CJK Characters.
    1. 61%
    2. 1.2k
    3. 11
  82. josestg/rehype-figure

    rehype plugins to support figure and caption
    1. 60%
    2. 1.3k
    3. 7
  83. josestg/rehype-code-title

    Rehype plugin to add code title.
    1. 59%
    2. 284
    3. 6
  84. rajasegar/remark-ember-abc

    A remark plugin to transform Handlebars codeblocks to Angle brackets syntax
    1. 59%
    2. 3
    3. 5
  85. y-temp4/rehype-title-figure

    Rehype plugin that adds a caption using the title attribute of the img.
    1. 57%
    2. 262
    3. 3
  86. remarkjs/remark-language-server

    A language server to lint and format markdown files with remark
    1. 56%
    2. 342
    3. 32
  87. bizen241/remark-inline-math

    Inline math support for remark
    1. 56%
    2. 3
    3. 6
  88. remcohaszing/monaco-unified

    Get warnings and error messages in monaco editor based on a unified processor.
    1. 56%
    2. 101
    3. 18
  89. temando/remark-gitlab-artifact

    A remark plugin that downloads artifacts from Gitlab projects to live alongside your Markdown.
    1. 55%
    2. 12
    3. 2
  90. temando/remark-openapi

    Remark plugin that converts a link to a local or remote OpenAPI spec into a table with summary of all paths
    1. 55%
    2. 2
    3. 2
  91. madiodio/remark-twemoji

    Remark plugin to replace your emoji by using Twemoji.
    1. 55%
    2. 324
    3. 9
  92. kevin940726/remark-codesandbox

    🎩 Create CodeSandbox directly from code blocks
    1. 54%
    2. 1.1k
    3. 273
  93. manovotny/remark-excerpt

    Remark transformer for extracting an excerpt.
    1. 53%
    2. 827
    3. 8
  94. keplersj/remark-preset-lint-starstuff

    Opinionated, yet simple config for remark-lint
    1. 52%
    2. 356
    3. 0
  95. phuctm97/remark-parse-frontmatter

    🎓 Parses and validates Markdown frontmatter (YAML) to data object.
    1. 51%
    2. 7.6k
    3. 10
  96. phuctm97/remark-unwrap-texts

    📋 Unwraps text nodes in Markdown, is useful when publishing to platforms like DEV.to, Medium, Hashnode, etc.
    1. 50%
    2. 10
    3. 5
  97. IGassmann/remark-directive-rehype

    Remark plugin to enable Markdown directives to be parsed as HTML.
    1. 49%
    2. 30k
    3. 29
  98. elviswolcott/remark-admonitions

    Add admonitions support to Remarkable
    1. 49%
    2. 179k
    3. 108
  99. medfreeman/remark-generic-extensions

    !ExtensionContent{Properties} -> 🎉 — commonmark generic directive extension for remark
    1. 48%
    2. 176
    3. 24
  100. wemake-services/remark-lint-are-links-valid

    This package allows to perform multiple checks on your links
    1. 48%
    2. 960
    3. 11
  101. temando/remark-mermaid

    A remark plugin for Markdown that replaces mermaid graphs with rendered SVGs.
    1. 47%
    2. 1.5k
    3. 82
  102. landakram/remark-parse-yaml

    Parse YAML blocks into structured data.
    1. 45%
    2. 24k
    3. 14
  103. Symbitic/remark-plugins

    Remark plugins for Markbook
    1. 45%
    2. 53k
    3. 13
  104. greybax/remark-helpers

    Helper methods for remark
    1. 44%
    2. 167
    3. 7
  105. temando/remark-metadata

    Add metadata about a Markdown file as Front Matter.
    1. 44%
    2. 13
    3. 1
  106. trevorblades/remark-typescript

    👭 Transpiles TypeScript code blocks to JavaScript and inserts them into the page
    1. 44%
    2. 2.6k
    3. 8
  107. landakram/remark-task-list

    Toggle task list items and reference them by IDs.
    1. 43%
    2. 6
    3. 1
  108. arobase-che/remark-attr

    Remark plugin to add support for custom attributes
    1. 42%
    2. 10k
    3. 57
  109. benabel/remark-fenced-divs

    This plugin aims to imitate the comportment of the pandoc extension fenced_divs in remark.
    1. 41%
    2. 38
    3. 5
  110. unlight/remark-sources

    Inserts source code to markdown files
    1. 41%
    2. 50
    3. 2
  111. inokawa/remark-pdf

    remark plugin to compile markdown to pdf.
    1. 41%
    2. 979
    3. 23
  112. inokawa/remark-docx

    remark plugin to compile markdown to docx (Microsoft Word, Office Open XML).
    1. 41%
    2. 4k
    3. 32
  113. temando/remark-graphviz

    A remark plugin for Markdown that replaces graphs defined in dot with rendered SVGs.
    1. 39%
    2. 660
    3. 18
  114. iloveip/remark-heading-autoid

    1. 37%
    2. 35
    3. 0
  115. DavidCouronne/gridsome-plugin-remark-prismjs-all

    Syntax highlighting for Gridsome with PrismJS
    1. 37%
    2. 39
    3. 12
  116. tsaiDavid/remark-encode-plantuml

    1. 36%
    2. 2
    3. 1
  117. vmarkdown/remark-render

    Compile markdown to Virtual DOM with remark.
    1. 36%
    2. 65
    3. 5
  118. ice-zjchen/remark-codeset

    Transform sets of code blocks in markdown to tablist in html (new node type, rehype compatible)
    1. 34%
    2. 10
    3. 3
  119. whizark/remark-preset

    ⚙️ remark sharable preset files (FOR MY PERSONAL PROJECTS).
    1. 15%
    2. 11
    3. 0
  120. Find other projects matching remark on GitHub