
Learn/Guide/Syntax trees in TypeScript

How to work with syntax trees in TypeScript

This guide will introduce you to using unist and unified with TypeScript.



All unified syntax trees are based off unist. The core types are available in a types only package: @types/unist. The main type is Node. Everything else extends it. Literal and Parent are more specific types which also extend Node.

The types provided by unist are abstract interfaces. Often, you will instead use more practical interfaces depending on what language you’re working with. Each language supported by unified, like markdown, HTML, and XML, has its own syntax tree standard which extends unist.

Let’s take a look at these.



Node is the syntactic unit of syntax trees. Each node extends Node (sometimes through Literal or Parent) and sets type to a string literal. The type field tells us what kind of content the node is. This field uniquely identifies a kind of content. in TypeScript that’s called a discriminated union. For example in markdown (mdast) Node will be extended to make things such as a Heading or Link, which respectively use a type field of 'heading' and 'link'.

A node can optionally include a Data interface at the data field. This is an object (dictionary) that stores extra metadata which is not standard to the node but defined by the ecosystem (utilities and plugins).

When a syntax tree is parsed from a file, it includes positional information: a Position interface at the position field. This describes where the node occurred in the source file.

 * Syntactic units in unist syntax trees are called nodes.
interface Node {
   * The variant of a node.
  type: string

   * Information from the ecosystem.
  data?: Data | undefined

   * Location of a node in a source document.
   * Must not be present if a node is generated.
  position?: Position | undefined

 * Information associated by the ecosystem with the node.
 * Space is guaranteed to never be specified by unist or specifications
 * implementing unist.
export interface Data {
  [key: string]: unknown

 * Location of a node in a source file.
export interface Position {
   * Place of the first character of the parsed source region.
  start: Point

   * Place of the first character after the parsed source region.
  end: Point

   * Start column at each index (plus start line) in the source region,
   * for elements that span multiple lines.
  indent?: number[] | undefined


Literal extends Node and adds a value property. For example a markdown Code node extends Literal and sets value to be a string.

 * Nodes containing a value.
export interface Literal extends Node {
  value: unknown


Parent extends Node and adds children. Children represent other content which is inside or a part of this node.

 * Nodes containing other nodes.
export interface Parent extends Node {
   * List representing the children of a node.
  children: Node[];

Pulling unist into a project


npm install --save-dev @types/unist

To import the types into a TypeScript file, use:

import type {Node, Literal, Parent} from 'unist'

To import the types in JSDoc TypeScript, use:

 * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
 * @typedef {import('unist').Literal} Literal
 * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent

mdast (markdown)

mdast extends unist with types specific for markdown such as Heading, Code, Link, and many more. The specification includes a full list of nodes. The types are available in a types only package: @types/mdast.


npm install --save-dev @types/mdast

To import the types into a TypeScript file, use:

import type {Heading, Code, Link} from 'mdast'

To import the types in JSDoc TypeScript, use:

 * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
 * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code
 * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link

hast (HTML)

hast extends unist with types specific for HTML such as Element, Comment, Doctype, and many more. The specification includes a full list of nodes. The types are available in a types only package: @types/hast.


npm install --save-dev @types/hast

To import the types into a TypeScript file, use:

import type {Element, Comment, DocType} from 'hast'

To import the types in JSDoc TypeScript, use:

 * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
 * @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment
 * @typedef {import('hast').DocType} DocType

xast (XML)

xast extends unist with types specific for XML such as Element, CData, Instruction, and many more. The specification includes a full list of nodes. The types are available in a types only package: @types/xast.


npm install --save-dev @types/xast

To import the types into a TypeScript file, use:

import type {Element, CData, Instruction} from 'xast'

To import the types in JSDoc TypeScript, use:

 * @typedef {import('xast').Element} Element
 * @typedef {import('xast').CData} CData
 * @typedef {import('xast').Instruction} Instruction


Next steps