
Learn/Recipe/Build a syntax tree

How to build a syntax tree

It’s often useful to build new (fragments of) syntax trees when adding or replacing content. It’s possible to create trees with plain object and array literals (JSON) or programmatically with a small utility. Finally it’s even possible to use JSX to build trees.


The most basic way to create a tree is with plain object and arrays. To prevent type errors, this can be checked with the types for the given syntax tree language, in this case mdast:

import type {Root} from 'mdast'

// Note the `: Root` is a TypeScript annotation. Remove it (and the import) for plain JavaScript.
const mdast: Root = {
  type: 'root',
  children: [
      type: 'paragraph',
      children: [
          type: 'text',
          value: 'example'


It’s also possible to build trees with unist-builder. It allows a more concise, “hyperscript” like syntax (which is also like React.createElement):

import {u} from 'unist-builder'

const mdast = u('root', [
  u('paragraph', [
    u('text', 'example')


When working with hast (HTML), hastscript can be used.

import {h, s} from 'hastscript'

  h('div#some-id.foo', [
    h('span', 'some text'),
    h('input', {type: 'text', value: 'foo'}),
    h('a.alpha.bravo.charlie', {download: true}, 'delta')

// SVG:
  s('svg', {xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', viewbox: '0 0 500 500'}, [
    s('title', 'SVG `<circle>` element'),
    s('circle', {cx: 120, cy: 120, r: 100})

hastscript can also be used as a JSX configuration comment:

/** @jsx h @jsxFrag null */
import {h} from 'hastscript'

  <form method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="foo" />
    <input type="text" name="bar" />
    <input type="submit" name="send" />


When working with xast (XML), xastscript can be used.

import {x} from 'xastscript'

  x('album', {id: 123}, [
    x('name', 'Exile in Guyville'),
    x('artist', 'Liz Phair'),
    x('releasedate', '1993-06-22')

xastscript can also be used as a JSX configuration comment:

/** @jsx x @jsxFrag null */
import {x} from 'xastscript'

  <album id={123}>
    <name>Born in the U.S.A.</name>
    <artist>Bruce Springsteen</artist>